Healthy mind in a healthy body
A Detox retreat is an opportunity to reboot and offers the ideal environment to support the body in its natural cleansing processes – both physically and mentally.
Our Health Concierge at POST BEZAU is your contact person for questions about our programmes and helps you to plan your individual cure.
Detoxifying naturally
Detoxification begins with a reduction in natural and unprocessed foods. A detox cuisine boosts the metabolism and helps energising the body. Food labs during the retreat lead to a deeper understanding of the effect of our diet on the body.
Massages help with detoxification
Targeted treatments have been developed for the detox programme. These include full body massages, peelings, wraps, and liver cleansing packs. The elimination of toxins through the skin is stimulated and the overall energy flow is improved.
Detoxify in your sleep
The circle closes with the part of the day in which the body works at full speed while we rest: sleep. All the body's important detoxification processes take place at night. In sleep labs you can learn more about sleep, and special detox rooms help you to get the most restful and energising sleep possible. This supports optimal regeneration and detoxification.
Move and cleanse
During the detoxification process, the body should not only be on the move internally. Guided walks accompany the retreats, rounded off by a body check and a daily activity programme. The movements focus particularly on conscious breathing – a further step in catalysing the detoxification process.