
Landscape and surrounding

Lush green meadows, dramatic mountain peaks, a crystal-clear stream, culturally significant buildings and happy cows characterize the landscape of the Bregenzerwald. The village of Bezau, first documented in 1491, provides a vivid insight into rural life and the sustainability practiced in the Bregenzerwald.

Nature a source of power

New energy from nature

What makes a place a source of power? How can new energy be created? How does nature affect us? In the distant past, humans established places of worship in areas with strong earth radiation. In the Bregenzerwald you will also find such places with this strong energy, also in the neighborhood of the Hotel Post Bezau by Susanne Kaufmann.

Even as a young girl, I have learned to take care of the environment consciously and to act sustainably. The Bregenzerwald is my biggest inspiration. No matter where I am, I can feel its special energy.

Susanne Kaufmann

The Bregenzerwälder

Living with nature

Moreover, it’s impossible to untangle the region’s population from its environment. 22 villages dot the Alpine landscape that is home to 30,000 people whose firm belief in the healing powers of nature is not only palpable in their endless energy, but translated into plant-based produce of all sorts.