
Susanne Kaufmann Skincare – Intrinsically Natural

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Nature has always been our point of reference. Here’s why.

When you look out of one of the many windows at Hotel Post Bezau by Susanne Kaufmann, your eyes are greeted by the sheer vastness of the natural world. This was our main inspiration for basing our hotel and spa around the sustainable use of nature’s gifts, just as it was for the Susanne Kaufmann cosmetics line, which is made entirely using natural ingredients.

Natural. Back in 2003 when Susanne Kaufmann founded her eponymous cosmetics brand, natural cosmetics was not yet the established concept it is today. Together with a team of beauty specialists and a local cosmetics producer, Susanne Kaufmann launched a handful of products containing ingredients from the natural alpine surroundings. They were based on traditional holistic recipes from the region, carefully fused together with the most modern techniques. The spa guests loved it. Since then, the range has expanded to over 100 products, sold in more than 18 countries around the world.

Conscious. There’s no doubt that the success of Susanne Kaufmann™ has been accompanied by a sea change in consumer consciousness. Many of the contents of conventional cosmetic products are based on mineral oil substances or are synthetically manufactured, entirely at odds with the ecologically conscious zeitgeist. By contrast, ingredients such as plant extracts, enzymes, powders and oils have always retained their integrity. Sophisticated combinations of natural ingredients can exponentially increase their beneficial effects. “This is why we rely on concise formulations which turn natural ingredients into highly effective care products through the most modern production techniques,” explains Susanne Kaufmann.

Holistic. At Hotel Post Bezau by Susanne Kaufmann, our holistic beauty concept is about combining the very best natural cosmetics with customised treatments in the Susanne Kaufmann Spa. This is because beautiful skin is achieved holistically – through conscious nutrition, appropriate care, and physical fitness.

If you’d like to experience first-hand our beauty concept and the natural cosmetics of Susanne Kaufmann, our Holistic Beauty Retreat would be right up your street. You can find more details at:

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