
TCM Detox Day 5

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TCM Detox Cuisine.

Breakfast: Groats with dried fruit

3 tbsp of roughly ground wheat meal, 2 each of dried prunes, apricots and dates, 150 ml of naturally cloudy apple juice, 1 tbsp of raisins, 1 tbsp of soya sauce, 1 tsp of agave concentrate, 1 pinch of vanilla, 1 tsp of almond flakes. Soften the wheat meal overnight in plenty of water. Drain the softening water, rinse the wheat meal. Cut the prunes, apricots and dates into small pieces. Heat the apple juice, add the wheat groats and dried fruit and cook over a medium heat for about 5 minutes. Allow to cool slightly. Fold in the soya cream, agave concentrate and vanilla. 1 pot of cleansing tea.

Apricots: contain above average levels of niacin (vitamin B3), as well as retinol (vitamin A), copper and cobalt. In addition, folic acid, vitamin B5, vitamin C flavonoids (total catechins: 11mg). Eases dry skin, thirst (eaten raw or slowly as dried fruit), pulmonary dehydration, asthma (eaten raw or boiled with honey to syrup)

Snack: Green smoothie with spinach. Spinach has a positive effect on muscle growth and high blood pressure. 1 handful of spinach, 1 apple (sour), 1 banana, 1 orange, 150 ml of water or coconut water, 1 slice of lemon with peel, ¼ avocado. Squeeze orange and mix with remaining ingredients in the blender and mix until creamy.

Lunch: Tomato and pepper soup

Steam 2 red peppers and 1 onion (both diced) in 1 tsp of oil. Add 1 small can of tomato pieces and allow everything to simmer for about 15 minutes. Then purée until smooth, season with salt and pepper. Serve with ¼ yellow pepper and ¼ cucumber (both diced) and chervil leaves as required. 1 pot of alkaline tea.

Snack: 1 apple. Antioxidant, alkalizing, detoxifying, cholinergic

Dinner: Potato salad

Peel 200 g of potatoes, cut into slices and cook in salt water for about 5 minutes, drain. Mix 2 tbsp of orange juice, 2 tbsp of vegetable broth, 1 tsp of olive oil, 1 tbsp of parsley, ½ tsp of mustard and salt. Stir ½ bunch of radishes and ½ cucumber (both cut into fine slices) with the sauce into the lukewarm potatoes.

TCM Detox Yoga

5th Exercise: fascia yoga
If you neglect the fascia / connective tissue, it can lead to tension and stiffness. Our yoga exercises help to loosen tension in the back and neck.
Through the movement flow below, the tension is loosened and the fascial tissue strengthened:

Fascia yoga for the home:

  • Child's pose
  • Relaxed stand lean forward
    Relaxed stand lean backwards
  • Circulating movements to loosen the neck
  • Slight turns while sitting
  • Downward dog
  • Cobra

TCM Detox Treatments

Alkaline liver wrap
The liver wrap promotes the blood circulation of the liver and combined with a lying position, detoxification is optimally supported. The best time to apply a liver wrap is 2:00 PM, because the liver is most active then, the liver wrap is soothing, de-stressing and promoted sleep.

  • soak towel with warm alkaline lye
  • wrap a hot water bottle with the damp towel
  • place the liver wrap directly on the skin (below the right rib cage)
  • wrap again with a dry towel
  • finally wrap a blanket around you
  • leave the wrap to work for 25 minutes
  • remove the wrap and rest for a while

TCM Detox Feel Good Tip

Acupressure is a pressure massage technique that originates from Traditional Chinese Medicine. The pressure point responsible for assisting the detoxification of the liver is found on the back of the foot – approximately a width of two thumbs below the point where the big and second toe separate. Massage this point simultaneously with the thumb of each hand for two minutes in a circular motion.

  • Acupressure is a pressure massage technique that originates from Traditional Chinese Medicine. The pressure point responsible for assisting the detoxification of the liver is found on the back of the foot – approximately a width of two thumbs below the point where the big and second toe separate. Massage this point simultaneously with the thumb of each hand for two minutes in a circular motion.

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