
Turning over a new leaf this New Year

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Year after year we start January by setting ourselves a number of goals. Their success is up to you.

As the year draws to a close, our New Year's resolutions start piling up once again. Among the most common are pledging to exercise more, eat healthier and take more time for one’s self. The need to uproot old habits seems to be deeply rooted in us. Or at least, we all get to the point each year where we’re desperate to change an aspect of ourselves or our situation. But it’s not necessarily huge life changes that’ll see you into the new year more beautiful, fit and healthy than ever – it’s often about small things consciously set in motion.

Eat yourself healthy If you're using organic regional products and approaching things in a measured way, you’re already doing a lot of good. High-quality fruit and vegetables provide all-important vitamins and minerals that strengthen our immune system and promote the body’s metabolic processes. Especially after the sumptuous Christmas meals, it’s worth going back to a diet rich in fibre with plenty of fresh ingredients and valuable fatty acids. Here at Hotel Post Bezau, nutrition is important not just at Christmas but all year round – it’s a key part of our holistic approach. This is because a balanced diet provides us with sufficient energy, vitamins, minerals and nutrients. The body can then fulfil its important functions and its organs, skin and nervous system are optimally supplied.

Pure goodness, direct from Hotel Post Bezau Our hotel kitchen epitomises the expert knowledge we’re blessed with here, allowing us to offer the appropriate meals to fit every single retreat. But it’s equally important to nourish your body well every day. Taking the time to eat well should be a matter of course, but in hectic everyday life this often falls by the wayside. Try then to at least pay close attention when it comes to putting meals together: Hot soups, for example, are ideal for the cold seasons as they effectively fortify the body from within. Even if you don’t consider yourself a soup person per se, we’re sure you’ll find something to your taste in our web shop. And while you’re there, grab yourself a loaf of Detox Bread to help you recover from intense and often alcohol-filled festivities. If you’re fond of baking, you can even order our mix to bake yourself at home. This Detox Bread goes down especially well at breakfast, perfectly complementing our hand-made granolas. These products are all packed with high-quality ingredients to get your day off to a winning start.

Time for beauty Precisely at this time of year when we’re consciously taking time for ourselves, it’s the perfect moment to establish some little beauty rituals. When we’re feeling fine and dandy, this is reflected in our skin: a rosy complexion and radiant skin are the result when we grant ourselves this “me time”. Just a few simple tricks can be enough to form your own personal beauty rituals at home. We’ve put together a few special Rituals for you which can be found in our web shop, so you can make the most out of this precious time for yourself. In general, rituals are a way of promoting wellbeing and strengthening the spirit, so that we look and feel beautiful. As such, rituals are a cornerstone of our hotel philosophy. When you have a little more time to spare, our Holistic Beauty Retreat will help you explore these topics in more depth. Over three to seven days, we guide you through nutrition, exercise, treatments and the right care routines. Whether on the retreats or following new everyday routines, you’ll see just how easy it is to feel more healthy and beautiful than ever before.

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